Publishing Guide Books: Literary Agents / Self Publishing / Creative Writing Guides

Top service — for a very reasonable fee:

  • Fee structure:
  1. The low one-time set-up fee depends on the number of words in your manuscript. It includes all printing and distribution services:
    • up to 39,999 words — $499
    • 40,000 - 59,999 words — $549
    • 60,000 - 99,999 words — $649
    • 100,000 - 149,999 words — $745
    • 150,000 - 249,999 words — $895
    • 250,000 words and more — $995
  2. After one year, you can decide to cancel your book with us and get all rights back, or you can continue to offer your title through Golden Sky Books. If you continue using our services, you don't pay another set-up fee, only our: low administrative fee of $35 per year.

  3. Additional optional service: Proofreading of your manuscript: $450 for each block of 20,000 words.